Botched Deployments (Page 2)

This is where I give myself the opportunity to rant and vent and let everyone know my struggles 😊

Deploying a static website with Netlify and Github Actions

Where I automate the deployment of my blog

I thought it would be fun to share my setup for building and deploying my blog. As mentioned in this other post, my blog is a static website generated using Statiq. It is hosted on Netlify, which has a lot of turn-key configs for setting up your site's deployment needs. It doesn't support dotnet projects though.


Building a Software Team

Where I re-invent the wheel of team organization

I've been pondering a while how to best work together in software teams. I'm sure there are as many ways to organize a team as there are teams, but I wanted to spend some time reflecting on my own experiences and maybe see if my conclusions actually build op towards some method that already exists. Wouldn't that be grand?


My first honest open source contribution

Where I share my experience of giving back to the community

While I've been a consumer of open source software for decades, I've often found it hard to contribute back to the communities. Until recently, all I've managed is the occasional typo fix in the documentation of whatever library.