Botched Deployments (Page 3)

This is where I give myself the opportunity to rant and vent and let everyone know my struggles 😊

DDD, Clean Architecture, and Dotnet

Where I explore some common design concepts

As evident from earlier posts, I come from a background of Django development, where - for better or worse - everything is wrapped closely around the ORM, which employs the Active Record pattern.


2024 so far

Where I catch up on what has happened since last post

I had set a goal for myself to try to write up a blog post at least every month. The target I set for myself was simply in order for me to keep practising writing, and to get in the habit of exploring topics in detail and opening myself up to scrutiny by putting it online.


Gaming Nostalgia

Where I take a trip down memory lane

The blog has been alive for a year... Awesome!